Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Our vision is to share Christ’s love, spread the Gospel, and build relationships with those in the mission field by providing financial support, training, and short term mission experiences.

Camp Dellwater
Camp Dellwater is a non-profit, non-denominational Christian camp that ministers to people and their needs through a camp setting. It is located on Dellwater lake just 27 miles NW of Bemidji, MN. For more information, please visit http://dellwater.com/
Casa Hogar Benito Juarez
Casa Hogar is a non-profit Christian ministry located in Oaxaca Mexico. They provide lodging and schooling to children from the surrounding areas whose families live in extreme poverty. For more information, please visit http://casahogarbenitojuarez.org.mx
Venture Church
Across America, and around the world, Venture Church chaplains serve in a wide variety of ministries, Federal, State, and Civilian. The chaplains serve in all branches of the US Military (Navy, Marine, Coast Guard & Air Force) and its components (Active, Guard & Reserve), plus the Federal Bureau of Prisons and the Veterans Health Administration. Others serve in civilian chaplaincies in hospital, hospice, prison, law enforcement, fire, Veteran, and Wounded Warrior settings. For more information, please visit https://venturechurches.org/venture-church-network-chaplains.
The Center for Indian Ministries (CIM) is part of the Oak Hills Fellowship. Along with Oak Hills Christian College and Camp Oak Hills, CIM ultimately seeks to glorify God in serving Him and bringing glory to His name. CIM works to minister to Native Americans. For more information, please visit http://centerforindianministries.org
Clear Waters Life Center is an organization located in Clearbrook and Gonvick, MN. They provide many community based programs focusing on youth, seniors, & men by building lives, growing relationships & imparting hope. For more information, please visit http://www.clearwaterslife.org/
Cristo Vive is an organization devoted to providing children and youth with disabilities and their families an opportunity to experience the love of God and faith in Christ through a fun and engaging camp experience. For more information, please visit http://www.cristovive.net
F.H.L (Faith Hope Love) Academy is an inter-denominational school located in Bagley, MN for Pre-K – 7 grade. They give children the opportunity to learn in an environment where their education is based upon strong biblical values and truths. For more information, please visit http://www.fhlacad.org/
Northwoods Pregnancy Care Center is focused on providing support and counseling to both women and men before, during, and after pregnancy whether planned or unplanned. For more information, please visit http://www.bemidjipregnancyoptions.com
Prepare Ministry is an organization founded by Gary and Stella Gilbertson of Northfield, MN. Their mission is to train a generation of young adults, in the spirit of John the Baptist, to prepare the way for the coming of the Lord. They seek to teach them to love and serve God in the context of Prepare Ministry’s “three M’s”: Mentoring, Meetings, and Missions. For more information, please visit: http://www.prepareministries.org/
Shine the Light is a non-profit organization dedicated to supporting Christian radio ministry in Northwest MN and Northeast ND. It partners with Christian hit radio QFM and owns additional translators. For more information, please visit http://www.shinethelightinc.org/
TrueBridge is a family of churches whose mission is to build healthy and effective churches to the glory of God. For more information, please visit http://www.truebridge.org/about/who-we-are/
Active Missionaries
In addition to supporting organizations, we also support many individuals who are focused on long term missions. These individuals are:
Paul and Theresa Stilwell
Founded the Missions to Latin America organization and, while currently living in Minnesota, continue to oversee their work in Mexico and produce Spanish resources. For more information, please visit http://www.mexmissions.com/
Kris and Vanessa Vanderbusch
They are currently ministering in Australia. To give directly to them go to cru.org, search for 0669265. Click “Give A Gift”, fill out giving form & submit.
Ony Suarez
Ony is currently ministering in Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
Omy Omayra Alvarez
Omy is the director of the base at YWAM Santo Domingo. She and Ony have worked together for years.
Please join us in raising these organizations and individuals up to God in prayer.
If you would like to give to a specific ministry, please follow the links above to view more information about that organization and to find out how to give to them directly.
If you are excited about all that we are doing and would like to give to us directly so that we can split it among the many organizations we support, please go to our Online Giving page and make a donation to our church. In the comments, please make sure to state that it is for the mission fund.
If you are excited about all that we are doing and would like to give to us directly so that we can split it among the many organizations we support, please go to our Online Giving page and make a donation to our church. In the comments, please make sure to state that it is for the mission fund.
Our Most Recent Trip to the DR
We had a group of 13 people head down to the Dominican Republic in 2024 to help with repairs to one of the complexes used by the Missions Team.
Upcoming Short Term Missions
No short term mission trips are planned at this time. Stay tuned for future opportunities.
Get Involved
We would love to have you join us in our efforts to work together to love God, love each other, and spread the gospel.